Everything from small dental care details to components for aircraft is today manufactured with the so-called 3D printing. The method is gaining ground worldwide.
Some 40 participants attended the seminar about 3D printing which on Wednesday was held at a forum arranged by an organization called ForetagsCentrum (business centrum).
Researchers, suppliers and vendors attended and talked about the technology and how it is used.
- A lot has happened in a short time. It is not long since the technique almost exclusively was used for only prototyping. Today, it is used in a variety of industries according to Joakim Algårdh researchers from the RISE Group.
A 3D printer is a machine that produces three-dimensional objects from digital data files. The print is building up the object layer by layer at the same time the material hardens.
- One of the big advantages is that the material consumption will not be as great as in traditional manufacturing. It provides savings when working with expensive materials, said Joakim Algårdh and showed a picture of an airplane. The plane consisted of 1,000 parts, made in 3D.
Ulf Qviberg and Casper Rosen from Vastervik operates one of the companies in Sweden that sell and rent printer. They testified about the constant expansion.
- We work with everything from small customers in the form of private dentist to the really big companies, they told us.
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